
  • 狮子与老鼠英语写作对话

      A lion fell asleep, and a little mouse ran around him and woke the lion.   一只狮子睡着了,一只小老鼠在他周围跑lai跑去,把狮子吵醒了。   He was so angry that he caught the paw of the mouse.   他非常生气、抓住liao老鼠的爪子?   "Please forgive me," cried the little mouse. I'll help you someday.   “请原谅我,”小老鼠叫道,总有一天我hui帮助你的?   The lion was amused by the words.   狮zi被这些话逗乐了!   He thought, "how can this little mouse help me?"" But he lifted his paw and let him go.   他想:“这只小老鼠怎么能帮助我呢、”但他举起爪子放liao他!,

  • 父母有矛盾之间的英语对话


  • 一个女士丢了钱包,你给安慰英语对话

      梦见:钱包丢     nan人梦见给别人钱包,是祥瑞,   梦见给妻子一个鼓鼓囊囊的钱包,妻子会生男孩。   meng见给仇人钱包。会降服仇人。   梦见偷别人的钱bao,会受到人们de尊敬!   meng见钱包丢失了,不久会买房置地。   梦见强行抢别人的qian包。会官运亨通。   meng见空钱匣,生意会亏损,财破名毁,   梦jian盛满钱的铁匣!意味着富裕,目的和愿望都能shi现,   男子梦见鼓鼓囊囊的钱包!各方mian都能取得成功?   女人梦见鼓鼓囊nang的钱包、会背叛丈夫。   女人梦见空qian包,会更加爱丈夫。,

  • 梦见和明星对话说话







  • 狮子与老虎的对话(最好英文)

      tiger:morning,gossipmonger.   lion:what's up,dude.   tiger:Did you have breakfast?   lion:yes,I did it.   tiger:so,let's continue the topic what we talked yesterday.   lion:OK,i totally think i'm the king of this forest.   tiger:No,did you heard an old proverb in china,monkey could be the king just when tiger is not here.so if i'm not the king,the monkey would be the king.   lion:it sound reasonable.   tiger:yes,you loser.is your aunt still ok now?   lion:i'v no idea.she got a kind of horrible sick.   tiger:best wishes to her.i must go for dinner.   lion:but you just ate for breastfast for a little monent.   tiger:yes,you bastard.it's 15:00,we all got up too late,so we missed our lunch.   lion:you are right.i have to go for dinner,too.   tiger:ok.byebye,tiny guy.   lion:bye,god bless you.   中文意思:   老虎:早上好?哥们,   狮子:你好!小子。   老虎:你chi过早饭了么!   狮子:是的。我吃过了,   lao虎:那么?让我们继续昨天de话题!   狮子:hao的,我真的认为我就是森林中的大王!   老虎:不不,你没听说过一句古老的中国谚语么:山中无lao虎,猴子称大王。所yi即使我不是王,那么猴zi也将会是王、   shi子:这话还真有道理、   老hu:是的!你输了,你婶婶还好么,   狮子:我bu知道。她得liao一种非常重的病,   老虎:祝ta好运,,关于生肖的英语对话

  • 梦见自己和自己对话


  • 跟成熟男人对话的禁忌

      1。不要满嘴脏hua   2、不要揭dui方老底   3。对方吹牛皮要懂得pei合!但真zheng成熟的男人一般不吹牛皮   4,说话要言简意赅。懂得礼貌和涵养,切记滔滔不绝   5?不要总shi拒绝   6、要显得对金融。艺术及国际大事有兴趣及自ji的见解   7?千万不要庸su   8。成shu的男人喜欢优雅!智慧。美丽,大方并且怀抱梦想de女性?关于生肖的英语对话

  • 英语作文大全初二70词数量十二生肖

      蛇Which one do you like most in twelve animals in the Chinese zodiac animal, most afraid of which one? I think everyone for the snake will not have much good? Snakes often appear in our life, the thought of its soft slippery body, all can't help to get goose bumps. Comparison of snakes and dragons, really have a world of difference. Recorded in ancient books, see the Dragon represents a good omen, and saw the snake, is drought disaster. But in science developed today, for this record is only laugh out of court, after all, the snake has its lovely side, we should see it in a different way.?

  • 我的生肖是蛇,翻译成英语

      我见过的说法you I was born in the year of snake, (one of Chinese zodiac signs). 括号里是解释用的、一般口语ke以不用?。

  • 爱丽丝梦游奇境 和猫的对话

      猫: It looks like you ra afoul of something with wicked claws 看来你是遇到了某个有着尖牙利爪的坏东西   爱丽丝 :And I‘m still dreaming 我怎么还在做梦啊   猫: What did that to you? 谁把你搞成这样的!   爱丽si :Banner or Bander... The Bandersnatch? 大猫还是大毛 大毛兽?   猫: Well,I‘d better have a look. 恩。我最好还是看看伤口.   爱丽丝 :What are you doing? 你干嘛,   猫:It needs to be purified by someone with evaporating skills,or it will fester and putrefy. 只有精通蒸馏法的人才能净化你的伤口?不然伤口就会流nong腐坏,   爱li丝:I‘d rarher you didn‘t.I‘ll be fine as soon as I wake up. 我倒是觉得不用了?我只要xing了就没事了,   猫:At least let me bind it for you. 那至少让我帮你包扎一下吧!   猫:What do you call yourself? 你叫shi么名字,   爱丽丝:Alice 爱丽丝   猫:The Alice? 就是那个爱丽丝、   爱丽丝:There‘s been some debate about that. 他们对此还有些争论   mao:I never get involved in politics. 我对政治没兴趣。   猫:You‘d best be on your way. 你最好还是赶路吧   爱li丝:What way?All want to do is wake up from this dream. 赶什么路。我现zai只想赶紧醒过来,   猫:Fine. 那好吧!   猫:Then I‘ll take you to the Hare and the Hatter,but that‘s the end of it. 那我就带你去三月兔和疯帽子那儿吧?只能帮到这个地步了   猫:Coming? 来不lai啊,   是这一段吗!敲的很老火啊。,。 每次都没空隙,
