
  • 英语关于亲情的五行诗

      1.Thanks to father The year has turned its circle,The seasons come and go.The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow.Orchards have shared their treasures,The fields,their yellow grain.So open wide the doorway- Thanksgiving comes again!Father,We Thank Thee Father,we thank Thee for the night,And for the pleasant morning light,For rest and food and loving care,And all that makes the world so fair.Help us to do the things we should,To be to others kind and good,In all we do,in all we say,To grow more loving every day.2.I think about my father on his special day ---he makes my heart smile.My shirt sticks to me ---I watch the cork disappearas the fish gets fed.Limericks have always been a favorite because they are supposed to be funny!There are five lines.The first,second,and fifth line rhyme with each other and the third and fourth linesrhyme with each other.Most begin with "There once was a ..." Try one of these to make your father laugh!There once was a dad that I knew,He tried to "teach me a thing or two,"He taught me to fishAnd how to cook a dishAnd how to fly a kite when the wind blew.There was a dad from Illinois,To know him was such a joy.He told silly talesAnd made castles with pailsAnd acted just like a small boy.There once were a mom and a dad,They loved me even when I was bad.If sometimes I did wrong,They weren't mad for longThey're the best parents I ever had.?

  • 五行诗英语

      cinquain五行诗英语五行诗:第一行由一个名词组成?第二行由两个形容词zu成、第san行由三个动词组成,第四行you四个单词组成!第五行you一个名词组成!如:BrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingFriend and enemy tooMine、

  • 关于鸟的英语五行诗

      bird   beautiful 。 brisk   singing dancing flying   fly here and there   free。

  • 求翻译。。下面五行的汉语译英语

      第一个 to my surprise !i get 3A in maths.,

  • 谁有几篇英语打油诗?简单的

      五行打油诗之二 There was a young lady of Niger Who smiled as she rode on a tiger; They returned from the ride With the lady inside, And the smile on the face of the tiger Why? Two tower   五行打油诗之二   There was a young lady of Niger   Who smiled as she rode on a tiger;   They returned from the ride   With the lady inside,   And the smile on the face of the tiger   Why?   Two towers crashed down from the sky   Causing innocent people to die   Terror and war   What is it for?   I never will understand why   A Limerick for Paul   A middle aged man called Paul   Said 'No' when his angel did call   Please go away   I want to stay   I'm living and having a ball   I know that I'll meet you one day   But for now just please go away   I'm writing a book   If you want you can look   Just go and let me have my say   I'm good you can check with my wife   But sometimews I find I'm in strife   Don't pinch my car   Or you won't get far   And I'll make you pay with your life   I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper   But he seems to think he's my keeper   Now's not my time   I'm busy with rhyme   He'll just have to dig that grave deeper   Christine   There once was a girl called Christine   She smoked far too much nicotine   She coughed and she spluttered   The Doc came and muttered   She has to go in quarantine   Monique   There once was a girl called Monique   She had such a perfect physique   Her bust is so round   But mine can't be found   Beside her I feel quite a freak   Bertie and Gertie   A couple called Bertie and Gertie   Said life will begin when you're thirty   You lose inhibition   Try any position   Enjoy getting flirty and dirty   Ask   Don't read your teenagers diary   Life at home could become fiery   It's an easier task   More respectful to ask   Just make a discreet enquiry   There once was an old man of Esser,   Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser,   It at last grew so small   He knew nothing at all,   And now he's a college professor.   There was a young lady one fall   Who wore a newspaper dress to a ball.   The dress caught fire   And burned her entire   Front page, sporting section and all.   Let the heart soar freely in the sky.   Get ready for the moment to strike.   It is the day   To fight with grace   Give us the sword to win or die.   There was a girl called Jane Eyre   Sitting at night that dark as her hair   Hard as she thought   Forgot all had been taught   She soon fell asleep in the armchair   英语打油诗   一般的Limerick采用AABBA的韵脚、即为第一,二和五句为相同韵jiao,三四句cai用相同韵脚, A limerick is a five line verse with the rhyme scheme of aabba. The a-lines should have five feet, while the b-lines have only three feet.It is normally, but not always light or humorous.   比如:   There once was an old man of Esser,   Whose knowledge grew lesser and lesser,   It at last grew so small   He knew nothing at all,   And now he's a college professor.   欣赏下面的五行诗   A Day Challenge   You take up the challenge to write,   then stay up all day and all night.   To think of a verse   can be a real curse.   You want all the words to be right.   Don't worry if your words sound daft.   Remember it's only a draft   and then if you're wise   next month you'll revise   and wonder if others have laughed.   You might have enough for a book.   If you haven't, don't cry or sook.   Sit down and write more   than you did before.   When it's published I'll have a look.   I wish you success with your dreams.   It's easy if we work in teams   so all in due course   lets give it more sauce.   It isn't as tough as it seems.   Kitchen Capers   There’s capers afoot in the kitchen.   The cat is quite drunk and it’s twitchin’,   It drank two pints of ale,   Then lapped up a cocktail,   Danced a jig then said, “It’s bewitchin’.”   Why?   Two towers crashed down from the sky   Causing innocent people to die   Terror and war   What is it for?   I never will understand why   A Limerick for Paul   A middle aged man called Paul   Said 'No' when his angel did call   Please go away   I want to stay   I'm living and having a ball   I know that I'll meet you one day   But for now just please go away   I'm writing a book   If you want you can look   Just go and let me have my say   I'm good you can check with my wife   But sometimews I find I'm in strife   Don't pinch my car   Or you won't get far   And I'll make you pay with your life   I don't want to meet the Grim Reaper   But he seems to think he's my keeper   Now's not my time   I'm busy with rhyme   He'll just have to dig that grave deeper   Christine   There once was a girl called Christine   She smoked far too much nicotine   She coughed and she spluttered   The Doc came and muttered   She has to go in quarantine   Monique   There once was a girl called Monique   She had such a perfect physique   Her bust is so round   But mine can't be found   Beside her I feel quite a freak   Bertie and Gertie   A couple called Bertie and Gertie   Said life will begin when you're thirty   You lose inhibition   Try any position   Enjoy getting flirty and dirty   Ask   Don't read your teenagers diary   Life at home could become fiery   It's an easier task   More respectful to ask   Just make a discreet enquiry?

  • 李诗玥起名五行是什么


  • 中国送礼物的禁忌的英语作文

      我们tiao了个有山有水,秀丽明朗de海滨城市——我慕名已久的青岛去旅游。青岛位于shan东半岛的南部、它风景优美,果实累累,是一个不错的旅you胜地、青岛美,美在海,也美在山。这山。首先是“海shang名山第一”的崂山。因而,来青岛旅游的人。 而不去崂山一游?将会感到是jian憾事?于是,我和妈妈来到了崂山? 崂山山势雄伟,临海而峙,它位于青岛市qu东部。耸立于黄海之滨。群峰嵯峨。怪石嶙峋。重峦迭嶂,飞瀑泻玉。深涧幽谷。 泉水喷涌。涧水九折,清泉鸣?,花木奇艳。绿竹成林,海山相连。水气岚光。变幻无穷,气象万千。其雄伟壮阔。灵秀幽情的自然jing色, 为内地名山所bu及!故有“神仙之宅,灵异之府”之美称,兼山,海。林。泉之胜。闻名遐迩。 崂山是我国的名山之一!它山势东峻西缓。山体主要为灰黑色花岗yan。经千万年的风化和雨水de扑打冲刷。巍巍的崂山,形成“群峰削la几千仞,乱石穿空一wan株”的奇景!方,关于中国的五行诗英语

  • 中国的五行,隐藏了什么秘密


  • 钱诗菡字五行属什么

      钱shi菡   五行:金金木     诗:多才贤能、如诗如画。意为美好,(此字在人名库中共出现约:142,350次)   《说文解字》释云:志也。从言寺声。     菡:荷花的bie名、(此字在人名库中共出现约:14,820次)     意蕴该名字可以趣解为:“shi兴 • 菡萏”,,关于中国的五行诗英语

  • 中国的五行八字用英语怎么说

      五行 Five Elements八字 Character?关于中国的五行诗英语
